Oral Presentation Guidelines


The chairpersons of your session will be strict in allowing no more than the time allotted to your paper. Remember to allow time for questions and answers and
some time for changeover and introdcution of the next speaker.

Please rehearse your talk to make sure it will fit comfortably into the available time.

As a rule, presenters can show a (final) slide with all acknowledgements.

However, in view of the short time available, names cannot be read to the audience.


·         File types: MS PowerPoint (.ppt, .pptx, .pps or .ppsx) and PDF. Keynote (MAC) is not supported.

·         Format: 16:9 landscape (1920 x 1080 resolution)

·         File name: Session date, session time presentation number and speaker name, e.g. 2022-09-16-09-30_ME01_JohnDoe. To avoid any compatibility problems, please do not use special characters (e.g. «, Ö, Ø, ñ, ε, ®, ý, }, {, etc.).

·         Font size: minimum 20 points for easy viewing recommended

·         The fonts that are used in the presentations should be “Latin-based fonts“. If the speaker needs special fonts, they should be saved as “embedded fonts“ on the USB-Stick as well (File → save as “name of presentation“ and under “tools“ → save options mark the checkbox “embed True type fonts“ and select “embed all characters“).

·         The format of embedded movies should be “MP4”.

·         All files needed for your presentation (including the movie files!) must be saved on the USB-Stick.

·         When using mathematical symbols please use these which are available under Latin fonts (unicode or DOS: Western Europe).

·         The official conference language is English. Therefore, all presentations are to be held in English.

·         Personal laptops from speakers cannot be used for projection.


All presentations must be handed in at the preview centre. They will be loaded into a presentation handling system that will store and distribute your presentation to the session hall in time for your presentation.

  • Deadline: at least 3 hours before the session starts (evening before for morning sessions)
  • Opening hours preview centre (Vergina Room, Level -1, next to exhibition and session rooms)
  • Sun, October 15, 2023: 14:00 – 18:30
  • Mon, October 16, 2023: 07:30 – 17:30
  • Tue, October 17, 2023: 07:30 – 18:30
  • Wed, October 18, 2023: 07:30 – 17:00
  • Bring all files needed for your presentation on a USB-Stick. You may want to carry a second USB-Stick as a back-up in case there is any insoluble technical problem. The professional staff at the preview centre will assist you to upload your presentation into the system.
  • Please check your presentation carefully in the preview centre before the final sign off.

If you have more than one presentaion, you can upload all your presentations at the same time and they will be sent to the specific session halls at the time of your sessions


Please note that taking pictures during the sessions is allowed, unless indicated accordingly by the presenter. People who do not observe this rule will be excluded from the session by the chairpersons.


·         Go to your session room 15 minutes prior to the start and make yourself known to the chairpersons and/or the room assistant before the beginning of the session.

·         The text on your slides should be concise and to the point, key facts should be highlighted. No more than seven text lines should be used per page. Your guiding principle should be “As much as necessary, as little as possible”.

·         Colours should be used sparingly. Choose colour combinations that make your text easy to read (preferably dark background – light fonts).

·         Keep data on the slides simple.

·         Ensure a logical order of the content, clearly and well-structured.

·         Refrain from selecting too many images and movies. Concentrate on those which emphasise your key points and conclusions optimally.

·         Remember that the vast majority of the audience are not native English speakers – speak clearly (whether or not English is your native tongue) and not too fast.

·         Leave sufficient space between the text and the edge of the slide/screen. Some data projectors may not display the very border of the slide/presentation.



ICIS Annual Meeting Organizing Office – Vienna Medical Academy

Dr. Jasenko Selimovic

E: icis@wma.co.at

T: +43 1 405 1383 27

Office hours: Mon-Thu 08:30-16:30 / Fri: 08:30-14:30